CYME announces new versions of Avalanche photo migration tool

Avalanche Unlimited is a broader migration tool. Avalanche Unlimited currently supports migrate to Lightroom or to Luminar, but CYME has already announced Capture One support is on the way and will be added later this year.
Avalanche for Luminar is $59 USD and is available exclusively through the developer store. Avalanche Unlimited is $119 USD and is available through the developer store.
All variants of Avalanche are designed to convert catalogs of photographs from one source application to another while:
- keeping the organizational structures as intact as possible,
- guaranteeing full migration of all annotations, tags, keywords,
- ensuring migrated images take into account the adjustments that were done in the source catalog.
- Avalanche uses advanced Machine Learning to find the settings that best replicate the original look of the image.

“Avalanche for Luminar is the missing solution that was anxiously awaited by Luminar users,” says Matthieu Kopp, CYME co-founder and CTO. “We are delighted to add Luminar as a supported destination for your catalogs and will ensure we do the best metadata and adjustments conversion possible, as Luminar’s features evolve. On the other hand, Avalanche Unlimited fully delivers on the promise to move all our images with metadata, organization structure, and adjustments between a growing list of editing applications. It is the best version of Avalanche giving its users much-wanted freedom of choice.”
Avalanche Unlimited, with its support for reading from a variety of different catalog types, and its deep understanding of the data inside those catalogs, lays the groundwork for the future main product of CYME.
“We are focused on the organization and navigation in large quantities of images, while leveraging the powerful editing features of those great apps we integrate with,” says Claudia Zimmer, CYME’s CEO. “We want to build a totally new experience around our photos. Avalanche is only the beginning.”
Features Include:
- All intuitive and modern interface to access all the catalogs.
- Analyze the content of the catalogs prior to conversion (masters, versions,…)
- Keep track of the converted catalogs, their locations, their source.
- Launch the source or destination app from within Avalanche.
- Full support for migrating masters, versions, both for pictures and videos.
- All annotations (all IPTC fields), keywords, face detections are fully migrated (subject to the limitations of the destination format)
- All collections, albums, sets, stacks, projects are fully migrated. Avalanche will try to replicate the organization features present in the source catalog.
- Full support for images on offline volumes.
Migration enhanced by Machine Learning:
- All standard edits (white balance, light, color) are migrated using ML in such a way that the image will look the same in the destination catalog.
- Black and White conversion is fully supported using ML for a higher fidelity.
- Safety and security: Avalanche will never modify your source catalog + all the catalog and image processing is run locally.